Ofsted on Outstanding eSafety

David Brown, Ofsted National Advisor for ICT, talking on Safer Internet Day radio about eSafety. Some key points from the MP3 below…

  • All staff should be aware and involved
  • eSafety should be part of the whole curriculum, not just within the ICT/Computing subject area
  • Senior management responsible for training
  • Policies that students understand and have been involved in creating
  • Effective ways of reporting (examples: known members of staff, student buddies, on screen reporting buttons)
  • No one way that fits every school
  • eSafety of staff as well of students considered

Red flag? If the head says “talk to my head of department about that”.

Four things from Ofsted

A summary of what ofsted say they want from Scenes From The Battleground.

  1. Planning to provide a framework for lessons.
  2. Reflective teachers who acknowledge that teaching is a learning process.
  3. Perceptive people that can adapt to optimise a learning episode (and change their carefully made plans when needed).
  4. Measuring your success on whether measurement shows students making (rapid) progress.
  5. Resilience.

A good read. (This week I realise that I’m struggling with #5).